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Shipping Info

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Shipping Information


We're only human, and so is everyone at the post office. Unfortunately, this means that no matter how much love and care we put into packaging our products to make sure you get them how we intended, mistakes get made. If you ever receive an item you suspect isn't in its original condition, just contact us! (We make art because it makes us happy, and we want it to make you happy too!) Please let us know within a week of receiving your item if you suspect this is the case, as this is a time sensitive matter and we will need to take it up with the post office.

Unfortunately, due to the consumable nature of some of our merchandise, we are unable to accept returns for other reasons, bar extraordinary circumstances. Please feel free to contact us about this if you have concerns or other questions. We're always happy to help.


We currently accept Paypal, credit cards via direct checkout, and giftcards. We always try and ship within 1-3 days of receipt of payment, but any extraordinary circumstances (holidays, etc.) will be posted in our shop announcements.

Custom orders/reserved listings cannot be cancelled due to the work that goes into them even before shipping, but all other orders can be cancelled up until a shipping label is created/the item is shipped.

Customers are responsible for all customs, duty, and import fees. If buying internationally, please be aware that you may receive a slip/ticket (probably with your normal mail) to come pick up your order at a local post office instead of actually receiving the package itself. This is often time-sensitive. THE POST OFFICE WILL RETURN YOUR PACKAGE IF YOU DO NOT PICK IT UP. Unfortunately, due to the cost of international shipping, we will be unable to send it back to you if this happens without an additional shipping charge. Please plan accordingly. We want to make sure you get your packages!


We ship ASAHP (usually the next business day) with tracking from USPS. We love what we send you and we want to make sure you get it. [Note: Some items require minor modifications before shipment, hence the 1-3 processing time listed on all items.]

All packages under 1lb ship First Class mail by default, which should arrive in 2-5 business days from shipping notice if you live within the United States. Packages over 1lb usually ship as Priority mail (with insurance) and should arrive in 1-3 business days of shipping notice if you live within the United States. We're currently working on adding additional insurance and express options for all items.

International orders ship First Class International, which means that how long it takes to reach the destination country will depend on how long it takes to clear customs. If you need an item within a specific timeframe, just contact us about express options. Please also be aware that tracking updates can be uncertain after a package reaches a destination country because local post offices handle things differently. Please note the following:

Customers are responsible for all customs and duty fees. If buying internationally, please be aware that you may receive a slip/ticket (with your normal mail) to come pick up your order at a local post office instead of the package itself. This is often time-sensitive. THE POST OFFICE WILL RETURN YOUR PACKAGE IF YOU DO NOT PICK IT UP. Unfortunately, due to the cost of international shipping, we will be unable to send it back to you if this happens without an additional shipping charge. Please plan accordingly. We want to make sure you get your packages!

Additional policies and FAQs

Always feel free to contact us at any time, for anything.